السبت، 13 أغسطس 2011

Blog Mohamed Larbi. Hackers infiltrate Paypal account on Twitter


Enable hackers unidentified piracy company account PayPal (paypal) in England for electronic payment on straining (Twitter), and published letters critical of the company PayPal, and have found that this breach was the day after their penetration of site network Fox News and deployment of a news story about death of U.S. President Barack Obama.

In breach of this incident was published letters inviting to visit the Web site offers services company PayPal has been published entitled to the shareholders in the calculation of Twitter to enter on the following link (paypalsucks.com) and claim to not use the services of this company.

PayPal representatives of the company denied that what has happened has affected the work of the Company or on the computers in them and will not suspend a company from twitter on the report. Note that the location (paypalsucks.com) denied having any link with what happened, emphasizing that they did not count days and penetration means.


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