السبت، 13 أغسطس 2011

Blog Mohammad Arab arrested 160 background riots in north London


Mohammed Arab blog:
The authorities continued security crackdown against the backdrop of riots and clashes between riot police and protesters on the death of a man shot by police a week, wounding 35 of the police and the burning and destruction of public property.
The British police said they arrested more than a hundred people, on Sunday night, in addition to 61 others were arrested on Saturday and Sunday, and the indictment of 17 of them.
Monday, riots and continued violence against the police, when a speeding car ran over police officers during the prosecution of the rioters, which led to the wounding three security men were injured degrees, as protesters set fire to one shop in the area, "Tottenham" north of London.
Police said the youth groups continue to target stores, but the security authorities had to send more reinforcements to the streets of the region, plagued by violence since Saturday, and condemned Downing Street, the headquarters of the British government to events in the statement, which said: "riots in Tottenham last night is is not acceptable at all .. there is nothing to justify the attack on the police or the public or property. "
The protests began peacefully, on Saturday night, a gathering of about 30 friends and relatives of the victim, named Mark Duggan, to Tottenham police station to protest the killing by police Thursday.
With the expansion of the scope of the protest and the growing numbers of protesters, the escalation of tension in the region, and the crowd threw stones and empty bottles at police cars, and set fire to them, during their attempts to close the main street in Tottenham, north London, according to the British authorities quoted.
The angry crowds set fire to a public bus next to some buildings, and flames were seen rising over the area illuminated.
Said Stephen Watson, leader of the police force in the region: "There were not any warning signs that we will see this kind of chaos, such as those we saw tonight (Sunday)"
Watson, warned that the participants in the riots will be investigated and brought to justice, adding: "No excuses for those who participated in this level of violence," but he stressed that the priority at the moment, is to restore calm.
The Dogan, 29, shot dead by police during an arrest operation in which the arrest was a taxi was on the board Thursday, according to "the Independent Electoral Commission of complaints against the police."
Commission did not refer to the reasons for the shooting of Dugan or the needs of the taxi stopped, only pointing to launch an independent inquiry into the incident.
For his part, appealed to David Lamy, a member of British Parliament from the area of ​​"Tottenham," the protesters to stop the riots.


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