الأحد، 4 سبتمبر 2011

Lumbering Close Storm Lee drenches Gulf states with rain

Lumbering Close Storm Lee drenches Gulf states with rain 


"We accept astringent acclimate warnings and tornado warnings in aftereffect for genitalia of the accompaniment and association everywhere charge to use acute caution," Louisiana Go. Bobby Lindale said. The governor deployed National Guard liaisons to two of the state's parishes to advice with emergencies.
Heavy rains will batter some areas forth the Gulf coast, with genitalia anticipation to accept up to 20 inches.
A close storm admonishing is in aftereffect from Destin, Florida, all the way to Sabine Pass, Texas.
"This storm is affective acutely slow," New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu told reporters, during a breach in the storm. Jindal said 10 parishes accept issued emergency declarations. He apprenticed association to pay absorption to the acclimate and beam calamity warnings.
CNN iReporter Andrew Kaile attempt video of calamity in Metairie, Louisiana, area baptize abounding the artery alfresco his home.
Tropical Storm Lee comes about a anniversary afterwards Hurricane Irene formed the East Coast, killing added than 40 bodies and abrogation millions after power.


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